介绍新汉智能开发的IoT Studio中的HiveX功能介绍和联机方式
Vision Gateway provides an excellent safety solution to extract production data from legacy equipment via its display signals then shares the extracted data with the enterprise war-room or data center, without having to modify or replace the existing hardware system. Vision Gateway comes with unique functions, including automatic page-turning mechanism, keyboard and mouse control, hotkey setting, and so on. Also, it takes only 30-min to set up the device and get ready to extract data from legacy equipment without disrupting in-operation equipment. Vision Gateway helps OT and IT staff to overcome the lack of connectivity and capability problems on legacy equipment that has phased out or too expensive to upgrade. It also prevents data collection difficulties caused by the diversity of protocols, APIs, and log formats of different equipment. The user-friendly interface of vision Gateway allows operators to configure the settings, which makes the installation process easier and possible to operate remotely. Furthermore, vision Gateway is compatible with other NexAIoT IoT Total Solutions that provide developer tools to meet all the needs in designing smart factories.
频率组件为电子产品的关键零组件之一。台湾业者在频率组件的全球占有率为世界第二,约为25%,仅次于日本的50%。在世界前10大业者中,我国占有四席。 面对未来市场竞争,各个竞争对手以大量投入智能产线与智能制造应用,提升生产效率与质量。因此为了提升我国频率组件产业之竞争力,台湾石英晶体产业协会,针对产业由工业3.0阶段提升到3.5以上阶段,订定频率组件发展策略蓝图,以智慧设备和智慧生产为主轴,推动产业导入设备联网、生产信息整合、生产履历,以及数据分析应用。并启动频率组件产业智能制造示范团队计划,希望藉由设备端共通标准通讯协议的导入,提升产业机联网比例,协助生产管理效率提升,逐步使频率组件产业朝工业4.0迈进,以强化国际竞争能力。 新汉智能于2017年争取到此项目物联网系统整合工程,除了导入iAT2000云智化监控系统,并委托研发频率组件OPC-UA共通设备联网模块,同时于台湾晶技、泰艺电子、加高电子建立示范产线,协助频率组件产业导入至智能生产之应用,提升少量多样生产之效率。
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