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NISE 51 Has Transformed Industrial Automation into Digitized and IoT Smart Factory

Powered by Intel® Celeron® processor, the slim box computer NISE 51 featuring multiple I/O design and the capability to meet customers’ need is the key for M2M intelligent system as an intelligent IoT gateway.


資誠創新諮詢公司與新漢智能公司舉辧進軍綠色製造與綠色產品雙認證策略聯盟記者會,共同宣示攜手合作推出企業數位轉型產品雙認證解決方案,結合資誠對綠色產品ESG議題提供的碳追蹤管理平台(Emissions Tracker)與新漢智能工業4.0的數據中台,打造產品生產履歷與碳履歷雙認證的整體解決方案,聯手拓展國內外市場,協助國內外企業加速實現淨零碳排的綠色轉型,進一步協助國內外企業加速推動綠色製造、綠色產品的廣泛應用與發展


新漢智能今日於2023台北自動化工業大展中與Intel、德國先進伺服驅動和安全運動模組開發商Synapticon、以及德國最大研究機構Fraunhofer IWU共同宣布推出全球首款x86協作型安全機器人,這項由台美德三方結盟,歷時三年共同研究開發完成,並搭載業界最高階安全規格的協作型機器人,為機器人應用提供最高水平的安全性、功能性和可擴展性,滿足機器人應用的多元需求,同時象徵著協作型安全機器人領域中的重要創新突破

Discover a Better Automation Gateway and Controller with the NIFE 104 Fanless Computer

Built as an open PC platform, the NIFE 104 exceeds traditional programmable logic controllers, or PLCs, thanks to an inherently modular and adaptable design. Based on Intel Atom® and Intel® Celeron® processors, the NIFE 104 boasts a super compact and light form factor that literally fits in your palm but nonetheless offers plenty of customization and upgrade options.

eLITE610 Embodies A High Performance HMI Solution for Machine Control and Monitoring

NEXCOM HMI eLITE610 embodies a high performance real-time control and monitoring solution for factory automation. Capable to deliver enhanced 2D and 3D graphics in high resolution, the eLITE610 comes with the HMI software JMobile Studio to simplify design and development. This HMI solution provides a flexible and more intuitive user experience for operators, allowing control, monitoring and visualization of machine processes to ensure data acquisition for optimal operations.

New Additions to APPC Industrial PPC: Automation Advances in Full Sail

APPC50T models, the latest installments to NEXCOM’s popular APPC series, suffice for multiple roles on factory floors— a mix of value and versatility in a robust package.

In-Cabinet & Fanless Server-
IP65 heatsink designed and high-computing Intel Xeon platform for harsh environment in Renewable Energy Market

The CMC300 is a new breed of fanless pc equipped with enhanced thermal for an extensive variety of environments. The featured IP65-rated heatsink enables a decent cooling effect for non-stop operations, making it a silent substitute for conventional industrial computers.

It’s all in the Family: Introducing the IPPC 0811/1201-B01 Industrial Panel PCs

Our IPPC family has grown even larger, with the addition of our “children”: the IPPC 0811-B01 (8” screen) and IPPC 1211-B01 (12.1”)!

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