Cooler Master Digital Factory Renovation Project
Project Name
Cooler Master Digital Factory Renovation Project
Project Begins
Project Ends
still in Progress
Client Contact
迅強精實中心協理 簡俊德
NexAIoT Contact
Tommy Lin Send an Email
Cooler Master is a global manufacturer specialized in providing cooling module solutions. It offers customized services for international brands, including data centers and high-performance computing, 5G telecommunications, renewable energy, and electric vehicles. With professional design, manufacturing, quality assurance, and testing capabilities, Cooler Master provides customers with highly flexible configurable solutions and services.
In order to strengthen the service advantages of the global manufacturing industry, Cooler Master began the planning of machine equipment networking in phases in 2018, and the goal was to move towards the Industry 4.0 and a fully digital factory in all directions.
1. Facing a wide variety of field equipment in customer factories and different communication methods, NexAIoT must provide a set of requirements for equipment to communicate with each other, monitor factory status in real-time, and make production processes and management more transparent. A professional technical team working with the client’s essential members acting as a technical communication bridge, fully communicate and explain with IT & OT personnel in different fields of technology & system architecture, obtain functional requirements and consensus among various units, and carry out the overall planning of the SCADA system and the way of page presentation.
2.The customer's production line was manually prepared on-site, and the basic information such as on-site materials, production, equipment, and personnel could not be shared in real-time. The on-site machine and equipment status, task progress, and working hours statistics of the factory was filled out manually. The supervisors required the production line to carry out the real-time transmission of equipment information, and the project progress is punctual. They wanted to promote paperless processes, and it must not affect the normal production operations. NexAIoT would incorporate customer’s requirements and provide equipment networking and management systems to synchronize data with the database. The database would connect with the client's ERP/MES and war room platform system––Fine Report.
Solution System Architecture Description
NexAIoT used the open-architecture iAT2000 system in the R&D and application capabilities of industrial communication and system integration. The factory field equipment’s machine network would be built through NexAIoT’s various types of gateways. The Edge Server was used to bridge the gap between OT and IT in the field of industrial communication, equipment, and heterogeneous data integration. The field equipment, machines, dashboards, and IT systems such as SCADA MES/WMS/ERP would be applied and integrated, and the visual management technology would be introduced to establish an electronic signage system. In the future, the SAP Edge service solution jointly developed by NexAIoT and SAP would be closely integrated with SAP ERP, making data digital and transparent, allowing users to know the production line and equipment status in real-time. Supervisors could grasp the production status of work orders in real-time and trace the production history and equipment operation to monitor the entire plant equipment to improve production efficiency. At the same time, the SCADA interface would be published via the web to provide access to the system page on the enterprise intranet for monitoring the operating status and data of each device in real-time. Also, the data report would be exportable to meet the needs of cross-geographical factory and customer information exchange.
Results and Benefits
NexAIoT’s complete IT & OT technical service team provides mature, stable, and complete collection, storage, and management solutions, bringing customers the following advantages
1.Production data has been upgraded from daily manual input to real-time data transmission, thereby improving production control efficiency.
The real-time operation status of the equipment is presented through various displaying methods such as data display, graph display, alarm display, and report display in the SCADA system. Managers can control assorted equipment and production data in time; thus, effectively improving the level of production management.!
2.The data analysis and sufficient quality control of the traceable historical data function saved query time.
This project stored the operating status and crucial data of the equipment for query and export through the system page. When abnormal production occurs, data could be exported for analysis, which provides effective data support for production traceability and production quality control.
3.Web access met the management needs of cross-plants control.
The SCADA page was published by Web to allow access to the system page to monitor the operating status and data of each equipment in real-time. The factory management personnel could quickly manage the operational status and individual data of each production testing equipment overall situation in real-time.
4.The open architecture of the iAT2000 Cloud SCADA system was highly scalable, which was conducive to the expansion of the client's factory and the flexible planning of adding equipment.
The iAT2000 s Cloud SCADA ystem architecture made it possible to expand and integrate related IT systems and OT equipment more quickly. By storing equipment operational data in the database server, the enterprise MES, ERP, FineReport, and other systems could call the data and build the company's cross-plant war room, and gradually move towards the goal of Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing.